Fund Raising

Fund raising is key to the continued success of the Band being able to teach young people the art of playing a musical instrument and to play in a marching band. Below are ways you can support us in achieving this.

Fund Raising Committee

The Band has a very active Fund Raising Committee that are always looking for help and fund raising ideas and they are always looking for items that can be used as tombola or raffle prizes. They are also responsible for organising the Band Fund Raising/Social events, more details of these events can be found on the ‘Events’ page. For more information please contact Trevor Ongley at the Band Hall

Easy Fundraising

As the title suggests this is a really easy way to raise funds for the Band.

The way it works is that whenever you purchase something online from one of their 100’s of suppliers the Band will receive a donation. You can purchase from most major retailers including Amazon, Tesco, Boots, Insurers, Holiday Companies and lots of smaller companies as well. It doesn’t cost you anything extra as you are purchasing through the usual public website of the company. Most donations are quite small (sometimes only a few pence) but of course it all mounts up and periodically the Band receives a cheque.

Please go to Easyfundraising website and register at the top of the page, you will find ‘The Redhill Corps of Drums and Band’ as one of the causes so select us and on the next page complete your details.

To make it even easier to use it is worth downloading the reminders bar, that way you will get a message every time you are on a site that donates through Easy Fundraising. If this happens then click on the bar before you purchase to ensure the donation is made. If you decide that you don’t like the reminders bar then you have to remember to go to the Easy Fundraising website every time and then search for your preferred supplier.

As well as your purchases there are other ways to earn the Band funds, just sending off for brochures can raise 10p and if you use Easy Search as well then we get 0.5p every time you do an internet search.